Dissimilarity Metric-Based Channel Charting

Use insights into the physics of wave propagation to learn a highly accurate map of the radio environment in a self-supervised manner.

What is Channel Charting?

Thanks to global navigation satellite systems, your phone can tell you your location and reliably guide you to your destiation. Well, except if you are indoors or in an urban canyon of course, then you are on your own. And, sure it will drain your battery a bit faster. It will also take a few moments until your phone has picked up signals from sufficiently many satellites to localize you. Is this really the best technology can do?

We believe that, by leveraging future massive MIMO deployments in 5G and beyond in a process known as "Channel Charting", there is still room for enhancing geolocation services. Massive MIMO is a crucial technology for improving the spectral efficiency of wireless telecommunication systems through spatial multiplexing and will likely be deployed in the form of 5G base stations. With massive MIMO, the base station collects so-called channel state information (CSI) at every receiver antenna, from which the base station can infer properties like angles of arrival, reflections and propagation delays. While this is essential for ensuring the functionality of massive MIMO, CSI does not necessarily have to be stored and analyzed. But, what if we did just that, can we localize end users at the base station just from CSI? Well, sure! It has been shown that CSI-based user localization is possible (we have a tutorial on that!), at least with supervised machine learning methods such as CSI fingerprinting. These approaches, however, require "ground truth" position labels for the transmitter position, which are usually not available. Channel Charting, on the other hand, is a self-supervised learning technique which aims to create a virtual map of high-dimensional CSI. Therefore, Channel Charting is not dependent on the availability of position labels, which is a huge advantage over fingerprinting.

While faster and more reliable personal navigation will be the most visible advantage for end users, asset tracking and radio access network (RAN) management tasks will benefit even more significantly: Asset tracking, because embedding GNSS (e.g., GPS) receivers into trackers is often infeasible: A GNSS receiver is more expensive than just a wide-area radio modem, it doesn't work inside warehouses and needs a lot of energy and hence does not last on a battery for long (especially if the device is usually in sleep mode, and needs up to a minute to obtain an accurate position estimate after waking up before going back to sleep). The mobile network itself will also benefit significantly from the availability of location information at the base station. For example, knowing location and velocity of a user will allow the base station to predict the wireless channel into the future. In addition, the network will be able to plan handovers between base stations ahead of time ensuring seamless connectivity and prevent pilot contamination.

DICHASUS Datasets for Channel Charting

DICHASUS is not a "real" base station, but we can use channel sounder data to investigate the feasibility of Channel Charting in a real-world setup. The datasets are particularly suitable for Channel Charting research for several reasons:

  • Large datasets: Channel Charting needs lots of training data
  • Distributed massive MIMO: Channel Charting works better if there are several distributed, yet coherent antenna arrays. Want to test it with just one massive MIMO array? Just remove the others from the training set.
  • Real-world scenarios: If your algorithm works with DICHASUS datasets, you can show that it works in the real world (and not only in a simulator). The carrier frequency ranges that DICHASUS uses are close to the frequency range of real-world 4G/5G networks, so the chance that results will be reproducible on real distributed massive MIMO base stations is high.
  • Accurate "ground truth" positions: Since Channel Charting is unsupervised, you don't need these for training, but they are necessary for performance evaluations.
Of course, there are also some downsides to consider: Lower flexibility compared to simulations, only a limited number of datasets is available and the bandwidth could be better (even though real-world commercial wireless systems rarely offer much higher bandwidths).

Overview: Dissimilarity Metric-Based Channel Charting

What we call dissimilarity metric-based Channel Charting is a very structured way to perform Channel Charting on a measured dataset. The basic idea is that we will compute pseudo-distances that we call dissimilarities between pairs of datapoints in the dataset. We will discuss later how exactly that works, but basically, you can extract information about distances either from metadata (like timestamps) or directly from CSI - in this tutorial, we will combine ("fuse") both sources of information. These distances are then collected in a large matrix that we call the dissimilarity matrix.

Next, classical or deep learning-based manifold learning techniques are applied to learn a low-dimensional representation. In contrast to other Channel Charting techniques (e.g., our timestamp/triplet-based tutorial), we don't really need a neural network, but using one has some advantages over classical methods (more on that later).

Downloading and Reading the CSI Dataset

For this tutorial, we use the dichasus-cf0x dataset collected by DICHASUS. This dataset contains CSI for \(BM = 32\) receive antennas (\( B=4 \) antenna arrays with \( M = 8 \) antennas per array) and for \( N_\mathrm{sub} = 1024 \) OFDM subcarriers at \( L \) different transmitter positions ("datapoints"). The transmitter is mounted on top of a robot, which follows some trajectory through the measurement area. The CSI at a particular time instant can be expressed as a matrix \(\mathbf H^{(l)} \in \mathbb C^{BM \times N_\mathrm{sub}}\). Hence, the dataset consists of datapoints that are 3-tuples of channel coefficients \( \mathbf{H}^{(l)} \in \mathbb C^{BM \times N_\mathrm{sub}} \), ground truth positions \( \mathbf{x}^{(l)} \in \mathbb{R}^2 \) and timestamps \( t^{(l)} \in \mathbb R \): \[ \text{Dataset:} \quad \left\{ (\mathbf{H}^{(l)}, \mathbf x^{(l)}, t^{(l)}) \right\}_{l = 1, \ldots, L} \] The ground truth positions (which are really only for evaluation purposes, they are not used for training!) are measured with a tachymeter robotic total station, a very precise instrument that tracks the robot's antenna with a laser with at least centimeter-level accuracy.

DICHASUS uses a reference transmitter for synchronization, which entails that measured phases may exhibit constant offsets caused by the specific channel between reference transmitter and receive antenna. Luckily, we computed these offsets for each DICHASUS dataset and made them available for download. The datasets themselves are provided in the TFRecords file format, which makes loading them with TensorFlow particularly simple. Obviously, the more training data we have, the better the channel chart gets. To save some disk and RAM space, we will settle for just 3 robot round trips in the following: dichasus-cf02.tfrecords, dichasus-cf03.tfrecords and dichasus-cf04.tfrecords:

!mkdir dichasus
!wget -nc --content-disposition https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/api/access/datafile/:persistentId?persistentId=doi:10.18419/darus-2854/8 -P dichasus # dichasus-cf02
!wget -nc --content-disposition https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/api/access/datafile/:persistentId?persistentId=doi:10.18419/darus-2854/9 -P dichasus # dichasus-cf03
!wget -nc --content-disposition https://darus.uni-stuttgart.de/api/access/datafile/:persistentId?persistentId=doi:10.18419/darus-2854/10 -P dichasus # dichasus-cf04
!wget -nc https://dichasus.inue.uni-stuttgart.de/datasets/data/dichasus-cf0x/reftx-offsets-dichasus-cf02.json -P dichasus
!wget -nc https://dichasus.inue.uni-stuttgart.de/datasets/data/dichasus-cf0x/reftx-offsets-dichasus-cf03.json -P dichasus
!wget -nc https://dichasus.inue.uni-stuttgart.de/datasets/data/dichasus-cf0x/reftx-offsets-dichasus-cf04.json -P dichasus

Next, we load the TFRecords files with TensorFlow:

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors, kneighbors_graph
from sklearn.manifold import trustworthiness
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
from sklearn.manifold import MDS
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import multiprocessing as mp
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import random
import queue
import json

# Antenna definitions
	[0, 13, 31, 29, 3, 7, 1, 12 ],
	[30, 26, 21, 25, 24, 8, 22, 15],
	[28, 5, 10, 14, 6, 2, 16, 18],
	[19, 4, 23, 17, 20, 11, 9, 27]

ANTENNACOUNT = np.sum([len(antennaArray) for antennaArray in ASSIGNMENTS])

def load_calibrate_timedomain(path, offset_path):
	offsets = None
	with open(offset_path, "r") as offsetfile:
		offsets = json.load(offsetfile)
	def record_parse_function(proto):
		record = tf.io.parse_single_example(
				"csi": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string, default_value=""),
				"pos-tachy": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string, default_value=""),
				"time": tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.float32, default_value=0),

		csi = tf.ensure_shape(tf.io.parse_tensor(record["csi"], out_type=tf.float32), (ANTENNACOUNT, 1024, 2))
		csi = tf.complex(csi[:, :, 0], csi[:, :, 1])
		csi = tf.signal.fftshift(csi, axes=1)

		position = tf.ensure_shape(tf.io.parse_tensor(record["pos-tachy"], out_type=tf.float64), (3))
		time = tf.ensure_shape(record["time"], ())

		return csi, position[:2], time

	def apply_calibration(csi, pos, time):
		sto_offset = tf.tensordot(tf.constant(offsets["sto"]), 2 * np.pi * tf.range(tf.shape(csi)[1], dtype = np.float32) / tf.cast(tf.shape(csi)[1], np.float32), axes = 0)
		cpo_offset = tf.tensordot(tf.constant(offsets["cpo"]), tf.ones(tf.shape(csi)[1], dtype = np.float32), axes = 0)
		csi = tf.multiply(csi, tf.exp(tf.complex(0.0, sto_offset + cpo_offset)))

		return csi, pos, time

	def csi_time_domain(csi, pos, time):
		csi = tf.signal.fftshift(tf.signal.ifft(tf.signal.fftshift(csi, axes=1)),axes=1)

		return csi, pos, time

	def cut_out_taps(tap_start, tap_stop):
		def cut_out_taps_func(csi, pos, time):
			return csi[:,tap_start:tap_stop], pos, time

		return cut_out_taps_func

	def order_by_antenna_assignments(csi, pos, time):
		csi = tf.stack([tf.gather(csi, antenna_inidces) for antenna_inidces in ASSIGNMENTS])
		return csi, pos, time
	dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(path)
	dataset = dataset.map(record_parse_function, num_parallel_calls = tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
	dataset = dataset.map(apply_calibration, num_parallel_calls = tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
	dataset = dataset.map(csi_time_domain, num_parallel_calls = tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
	dataset = dataset.map(cut_out_taps(507, 520), num_parallel_calls = tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
	dataset = dataset.map(order_by_antenna_assignments, num_parallel_calls = tf.data.AUTOTUNE)

	return dataset

inputpaths = [
		"tfrecords" : "dichasus/dichasus-cf02.tfrecords",
		"offsets" : "dichasus/reftx-offsets-dichasus-cf02.json"
		"tfrecords" : "dichasus/dichasus-cf03.tfrecords",
		"offsets" : "dichasus/reftx-offsets-dichasus-cf03.json"
		"tfrecords" : "dichasus/dichasus-cf04.tfrecords",
		"offsets" : "dichasus/reftx-offsets-dichasus-cf04.json"

full_dataset = load_calibrate_timedomain(inputpaths[0]["tfrecords"], inputpaths[0]["offsets"])

for path in inputpaths[1:]:
	full_dataset = full_dataset.concatenate(load_calibrate_timedomain(path["tfrecords"], path["offsets"]))

There is quite a lot to unwrap in that dataset loading code, so here is a short summary: We load all three TFRecord files (dichasus-cf02, dichasus-cf03, dichasus-cf04), and each of them goes through a pipeline of processing steps:

  • First, record_parse_function reads the raw .tfrecord file and extracts frequency-domain CSI, "ground truth" position information and timestamps. Afterwards, the complex-valued tensor csi should have shape (32, 1024), where \( BM = 32 \) is the number of antennas and \( N_\mathrm{sub} = 1024 \) is the number of subcarriers. Each entry corresponds to the channel coefficient of one particular OFDM subchannel.
  • Second, we use apply_calibration to correct time and phase errors as explained in the calibration tutorial.
  • Third, csi_time_domain computes the inverse fast fourier transform (IFFT) of the frequency-domain CSI (over the subcarrier axis) so that the variable csi now contains complex-valued time domain channel impulse responses of length 1024 taps.
  • Fourth, cut_out_taps extracts time-domain taps \( \tau_\mathrm{min} = 507 \) to \( \tau_\mathrm{max} = 520 \), which should contain the line of sight signal as well as most relevant reflections and discards the rest. The csi tensor now has shape (32, 13), i.e., we have 13 taps for each of the 32 antennas in the setup.
  • Finally, order_by_antenna_assignments adds another dimension to the shape of the csi tensor such that measurements are grouped by antenna array. It returns a csi tensor with shape (4, 8, 13), where \( B = 4 \) corresponds to the number of antenna arrays, \( M = 8 \) is the number of antennas per array and \( \tau_\mathrm{max} - \tau_\mathrm{min} = 13 \) is still the number of time-domain taps.

At the output of the processing pipeline, we get time-domain CSI tensors \( \mathbf { \hat H^{(l)} } \in \mathbb C^{B \times M \times (\tau_\mathrm{max} - \tau_\mathrm{min})} \). In all subsequent steps, we will work with these time-domain tensors. The superscript \( l \) of \( \mathbf { \hat H^{(l)} } \) indicates the datapoint, and we will use comma-separated subscripts for indexing.

To reduce the number of datapoints (and hence, RAM usage and processing time), we will only use every 4th datapoint:
# Decimate dataset: Use only every 4th datapoint (to reduce number of points)
training_set = full_dataset.enumerate().filter(lambda idx, value : (idx % 4 == 0))
training_set = training_set.map(lambda idx, value : value)

From TensorFlow to NumPy

This may seem a bit odd, but we will perform many of the following processing steps on the CPU and not on the GPU. Since we want to use well-established and optimized Python libraries which work on NumPy arrays, we first have to convert the dataset into NumPy arrays. Don't worry, Channel Charting on the CPU can also be extremely fast (this whole tutorial should take only a few minutes to run on a reasonably fast machine), and the neural network training later will of course use GPU acceleration.
groundtruth_positions = []
csi_time_domain = []
timestamps = []

for csi, pos, time in training_set.batch(1000):

csi_time_domain = np.concatenate(csi_time_domain)
groundtruth_positions = np.concatenate(groundtruth_positions)
timestamps = np.concatenate(timestamps)

Visualizing the Dataset

We use the plot_colorized function to plot the ground truth positions in a top view diagram. The function produces a scatter plot, where each point in the scatter plot is assigned a color according to its ground truth position. We can later reuse this function to plot the channel chart with the same colorization.
def plot_colorized(positions, groundtruth_positions, title = None, show = True, alpha = 1.0):
	# Generate RGB colors for datapoints
	center_point = np.zeros(2, dtype = np.float32)
	center_point[0] = 0.5 * (np.min(groundtruth_positions[:, 0], axis = 0) + np.max(groundtruth_positions[:, 0], axis = 0))
	center_point[1] = 0.5 * (np.min(groundtruth_positions[:, 1], axis = 0) + np.max(groundtruth_positions[:, 1], axis = 0))
	NormalizeData = lambda in_data : (in_data - np.min(in_data)) / (np.max(in_data) - np.min(in_data))
	rgb_values = np.zeros((groundtruth_positions.shape[0], 3))
	rgb_values[:, 0] = 1 - 0.9 * NormalizeData(groundtruth_positions[:, 0])
	rgb_values[:, 1] = 0.8 * NormalizeData(np.square(np.linalg.norm(groundtruth_positions - center_point, axis=1)))
	rgb_values[:, 2] = 0.9 * NormalizeData(groundtruth_positions[:, 1])

	# Plot datapoints
	plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
	if title is not None:
		plt.title(title, fontsize=16)
	plt.scatter(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], c = rgb_values, alpha = alpha, s = 10, linewidths = 0)
	plt.xlabel("x coordinate")
	plt.ylabel("y coordinate")
	if show:

plot_colorized(groundtruth_positions, groundtruth_positions, title="Ground Truth Positions")

Introduction to the Dissimilarity Matrix

So, what is a dissimilarity matrix really? Let's have a look at a concrete example: The picture shows a map of central Europe where a couple of cities are labelled: Brussels (B), Paris (P), Frankfurt (F), Stuttgart (S) and Zürich (Z). Let's say we want to know how far the cities are from each other. Now, since we know the locations of these cities on the map, we could just measure the true distance between them. Let's pretend, however, that we don't have a map - instead, let's assume we are only allowed to look up how much time it takes to travel from one city to another by train, and only direct connections are allowed. We could then come up with the following table, which indicates the approximate travel time in minutes between these cities:
Brussels 083186
Paris 860229193244
Frankfurt 189238077233
Stuttgart 190780
Zürich 2442340

In mathematical terms, the set of cities we considered can be viewed as the nodes of a graph, and the travel times between the cities can be interpreted as the edges of a directed graph. In this interpretation, the table above is the adjacency matrix of this graph, and this is essentially what we call the dissimilarity matrix \( \mathbf D \) in Channel Charting. In general, the dissimilarity matrix has \( N^2 \) entries, where \( N \) is the number of datapoints and, hence, nodes in the graph.

There are some general observations to be made about the dissimilarity matrix:

  • The values in the matrix can be interpreted as pseudo-distances. They should be somewhat indicative of the true distance between points.
  • The diagonal elements are zero.
  • The matrix is either symmetric or almost symmetric. In the example above, it takes the same time to go from Paris to Zürich as it takes to get from Zürich to Paris, and the other entries differ by only a few minutes. For guessing the distances between cities, we can symmetrize the matrix as \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{sym} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf D + \mathbf D^\mathrm{T} \right) \).
By realizing that the \( N \) diagonal elements are all zeroes and using the (almost-)symmetry of the matrix, this means that we can get away with only computing \( \frac{N^2 - N}{2} \) dissimilarities, which we will exploit later.

Dissimilarity Metrics and Dissimilarity Matrix Computation

The picture above is taken from our paper on dissimilarity metric-based Channel Charting. It provides an overview over some of the ways in which dissimilarities between datapoints may be computed. On one hand, there are side information-based methods, like taking into account timestamps of measurements or by using some sort of ground truth information, where it is available (we would consider the latter to be cheating, we want a fully self-supervised system). On the other hand, there are CSI-based methods, which exploit some expert knowledge on wave propagation and the format of CSI to compute dissimilarities. The diagram above only lists a few of them, namely a cosine similarity-based metric, a channel impulse response (CIR) amplitude-based metric and a (our own) angle delay profile (ADP)-based metric. We are always happy to hear about proposals for even better dissimilarity metrics! Then, there are also what we call fused metrics, where we combine one or multiple metrics into a better one. And finally, we can transform any matrix into a geodesic version of the matrix, which will be explained later.

In the following, we will use these steps to compute a dissimilarity matrix:

  1. Compute the ADP-based dissimilarity matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \)
  2. Compute a timestamp-based dissimilarity matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \)
  3. Fuse \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) and \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \) into \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{fuse} \)
  4. From the fused matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{fuse} \), compute the geodesic matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{G-fuse} \)

Step 1: ADP-based dissimilarity matrix

Intuitively, the "angle-delay profile" of a wireless channel describes how much power of a transmitted signal arrives at the base station at what time (delay) and from what angle of arrival (AoA).

There are different ways to check if two signals come from the same AoA: We could use a superresolution method like MUSIC for AoA estimation and then compare the angles. MUSIC, however, is computationally rather expensive and for large dissimilarity matrices, we need to compute lots of dissimilarity metrics. Also, we didn't get very convincing results with MUSIC, so we will use a faster and simpler method instead.

In fact, we can check if two signals come from a similar AoA by just computing the cosine similarity between their channel vectors (i.e., the vectors containing the channel coefficients of all antennas). Here, we compute the cosine similarity between to datapoints \( i \) and \( j \) for a single time tap \( \tau \) and a single antenna array \( b \): \[ \text{CS} = \frac{\left\lvert \sum_{m=1}^{M} \left(\tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(i)}\right)^* \tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(j)}\right\rvert^2} { \left(\sum_{m=1}^{M}\left\lvert \tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(i)}\right\rvert^2 \right) \left(\sum_{m=1}^{M} \left\lvert \tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(j)}\right\rvert^2\right)} \] The cosine similarity is 1 if both channel vectors are identical (except for phase shifts and power scalings), and smaller cosine similarities indicate that the two AoAs are more dissimilar. (In fact, there is a nice interpretation of the squared cosine similarity as a normalized received power after downlink precoding).

To get a good dissimilarity measure for Channel Charting, we sum the time-domain cosine similarities over all time taps \( \tau = 1, \ldots, \tau_\mathrm{max} - \tau_\mathrm{min} \) and all distributed antenna arrays \( b = 1, \ldots, B \). Also, we need to invert the cosine similarity value, such that higher values indicate a greater dissimilarity, hence the "\( 1- \)" in the following formula for our ADP dissimilarity metric: \[ \mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j} = \sum_{b=1}^B \sum_{\tau=1}^{\tau_\mathrm{max} - \tau_\mathrm{min}} \left( 1 - \frac{\left\lvert \sum_{m=1}^{M} \left(\tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(i)}\right)^* \tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(j)}\right\rvert^2} { \left(\sum_{m=1}^{M}\left\lvert \tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(i)}\right\rvert^2 \right) \left(\sum_{m=1}^{M} \left\lvert \tilde {\mathbf H}_{b, m, \tau}^{(j)}\right\rvert^2\right)} \right) \]

In terms of the practical implementation of this equation, we will use NumPy's einsum to compute the cosine similarities, row by row in the distance matrix. You may also notice that we can compute the entries of the matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) independently from one another, which means that the computation can be parallelized. We will use Python's multiprocessing for that. Finally, we make use of the fact that the dissimilarity matrix is symmetric and only compute half of the entries. This makes the following code which computes \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) (here called adp_dissimilarity_matrix) really fast:

If available, the following code uses the GPU (and falls back to the CPU otherwise). For example, with an RTX 4090, computing the complete ADP dissimilarity matrix only takes 8-9 seconds.

def compute_adp_dissimilarity_matrix(csi_array):
	output = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size = csi_array.shape[0])

	powers = tf.einsum("lbmt,lbmt->lbt", csi_array, tf.math.conj(csi_array))
	for i in tf.range(csi_array.shape[0]):
		w = csi_array[i:,:,:,:]
		h = csi_array[i,:,:,:]

		dotproducts = tf.abs(tf.square(tf.einsum("bmt,lbmt->lbt", tf.math.conj(h), w)))
		d_new = tf.math.reduce_sum(1 - dotproducts / tf.math.real(powers[i] * powers[i:]), axis = (1, 2))
		d = tf.concat([tf.zeros(i), tf.maximum(d_new, 0)], 0)

		output = output.write(i, d)

	dissim_upper_tri = output.stack()
	return dissim_upper_tri + tf.transpose(dissim_upper_tri)

adp_dissimilarity_matrix = compute_adp_dissimilarity_matrix(csi_time_domain).numpy()

The following code only uses the CPU and takes significantly longer than the TensorFlow code (typically a few minutes), but it displays a nice progress bar while you are waiting 😉

adp_dissimilarity_matrix = np.zeros((csi_time_domain.shape[0], csi_time_domain.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32)

def adp_dissimilarities_worker(todo_queue, output_queue):
	def adp_dissimilarities(index):
		# h has shape (arrays, antennas, taps), w has shape (datapoints, arrays, antennas, taps)
		h = csi_time_domain[index,:,:,:]
		w = csi_time_domain[index:,:,:,:]
		dotproducts = np.abs(np.einsum("bmt,lbmt->lbt", np.conj(h), w, optimize = "optimal"))**2
		norms = np.real(np.einsum("bmt,bmt->bt", h, np.conj(h), optimize = "optimal") * np.einsum("lbmt,lbmt->lbt", w, np.conj(w), optimize = "optimal"))
		return np.sum(1 - dotproducts / norms, axis = (1, 2))

	while True:
		index = todo_queue.get()

		if index == -1:
			output_queue.put((-1, None))
		output_queue.put((index, adp_dissimilarities(index)))

with tqdm(total = csi_time_domain.shape[0]**2) as pbar:
	todo_queue = mp.Queue()
	output_queue = mp.Queue()

	for i in range(csi_time_domain.shape[0]):
	for i in range(mp.cpu_count()):
		p = mp.Process(target = adp_dissimilarities_worker, args = (todo_queue, output_queue))

	finished_processes = 0
	while finished_processes != mp.cpu_count():
		i, d = output_queue.get()

		if i == -1:
			finished_processes = finished_processes + 1
			adp_dissimilarity_matrix[i,i:] = d
			adp_dissimilarity_matrix[i:,i] = d
			pbar.update(2 * len(d) - 1)
We can actually visualize the computed dissimilarity matrix in a video: The red marker indicates the current position of the transmitter, and the color of the other datapoints indicates the dissimilarity of these datapoints to the datapoint at the red dot. Clearly, datapoints which are close to the red dot are blue (small ADP dissimilarity), and other datapoints are yellow, which means that the distance matrix, which we computed purely from CSI, clearly contains some spatial information 🙂!

Step 2: Timestamp-based dissimilarity matrix

The timestamp-based dissimilarity matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \) is very easy to compute. The entries are just the absolute time differences between the timestamps in our dataset: \[ \mathbf D_{\mathrm{time},i, j} = \lvert t^{(i)}-t^{(j)} \lvert \] We can implement this in a single line of Python code, where \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \) is called timestamp_dissimilarity_matrix:
# Compute timestamp-based dissimilarity matrix
timestamp_dissimilarity_matrix = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(timestamps, timestamps))

Step 3: Fusing \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) with \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \)

Sometimes \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) will be more useful, in other cases \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \) might be more accurate. Here are two pathological situations, in which one of these two metrics will fail entirely:
After some time, the transmitter visits a location that is close to some space where it has previously been. The timestamp-based dissimilarity metric will fail: It predicts that these two locations are far apart. A CSI-based metric will correctly indicate that the two locations are close to each other.
The transmitter follows a trajectory with a sudden change in CSI. For example, the transmitter may transition between a line of sight (LoS) channel for some or all antennas and a non-line of sight (NLoS) channel. A CSI-based metric will indicate a large dissimilarity between these two areas, but, based on timestamps, the BS might know that the locations are close in time, and hence likely also close in space.
Hence, the basic idea behind fused metrics is born: Some entries of \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) will be more accurate than the corresponding values in \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \) and in other cases, it may be the other way round. Ideally, we would always like to use the more accurate dissimilarity whenever possible, which poses two challenges:
  1. We need to get \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) and \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \) into the same scale (i.e., the same dissimilarity should correspond to a similar true distance). For example, all dissimilarities should be measured in (pseudo-)meters, and not one in meters and the other one in feet.
  2. For each entry, we need to figure out which dissimilarity (ADP-based or timestamp-based) to use. This decision could be based on some heuristic which tells us which dissimilarity we expect to be more accurate.
In the following, we will try to solve both challenges at the same time. To get a better understanding of the problem, we will first have a look at the relationship between \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) and \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{time} \). Of course, if the time difference is very large, \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) can take any value (the robot may drive in a straight line, return to the starting point, ...), so it makes sense to only consider time distances of up to \( 2 \, \mathrm{s} \). In other words, let's visualize the distribution of \[ \mathcal R = \left\{ \frac{\mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j}}{\mathbf D_{\mathrm{time}, i, j}} ~ \Bigg| ~ 0 < \mathbf D_{\mathrm{time}, i, j} < 2; ~ i, j \in 1, \ldots, L \right\} \] in a histogram:
small_time_dissimilarity_indices = np.logical_and(timestamp_dissimilarity_matrix < TIME_THRESHOLD, timestamp_dissimilarity_matrix > 0)
small_time_dissimilarities = timestamp_dissimilarity_matrix[small_time_dissimilarity_indices]
small_adp_dissimilarities = adp_dissimilarity_matrix[small_time_dissimilarity_indices]

n_bins = 1500

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
occurences, edges, patches = ax1.hist(small_adp_dissimilarities / small_time_dissimilarities, range = (0, 50), bins = n_bins)
ax1.set_xlabel("$D_\mathrm{APDP} / D_\mathrm{time}$")
ax1.set_ylabel("Number of Occurences")

Interesting... There appear to be two distinct modes in this distribution. These modes can be attributed to behaviors of the transmitter:

  • The transmitter might be moving with more or less constant speed. In that case, we land on the right mode, i.e., \( \mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j} \) is large compared to \( \mathbf D_{\mathrm{time}, i, j} \).
  • Or, the transmitter may be static or just rotating. This occurs more rarely. In that case, \( \mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j} \) is small and we land on the left mode.
We can assume that, if the transmitter is moving, the timestamp-based dissimilarity metric is more accurate: The robot speed is relatively constant, and it is unlikely that it makes any sharp turns within such a short time interval. On the other hand, if the robot is more or less static, we should rely on the ADP distance instead. This will also make sure that, if the transmitter returns to the same / similar location after some time, the Channel Charting algorithm will understand that the distance between those two datapoints is low.

This motivates a simple dissimilarity matrix fusing algorithm:

  • First, we find the value \( \gamma \) which separates the two modes of \( \mathcal R \). We use \( \gamma \) as a scaling factor.
  • For each matrix entry \( i, j \in 1, \ldots, L \), we compare \( \gamma \mathbf D_{\mathrm{time}, i, j} \) to \( \mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j} \). We assume that whichever is smaller, is more accurate. Visually speaking, if \( i, j \) belongs to the left mode in \( \mathcal R \), we use \( \mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j} \), otherwise, we use \( \gamma \mathbf D_{\mathrm{time}, i, j} \).
In other words, we compute the fused dissimilarity matrix as \[ \mathbf D_{\mathrm{fuse}, i, j} = \mathrm{min} \left\{ \mathbf D_{\mathrm{ADP}, i, j}, \gamma \mathbf D_{\mathrm{time}, i, j} \right\}. \]

For separating the two modes, we could use some kind of thresholding algorithm. In the Python code, we will use a very primitive approach which finds the leftmost point of the right mode:

bin_centers = edges[:-1] + np.diff(edges) / 2.
max_bin = np.argmax(occurences)
min_threshold = np.quantile(occurences[:max_bin], 0.5)

for threshold_bin in range(max_bin - 1, -1, -1):
	if occurences[threshold_bin] < min_threshold:

scaling_factor = bin_centers[threshold_bin]

plt.bar(bin_centers[:max_bin], occurences[:max_bin], width = edges[1] - edges[0])
plt.axhline(y = min_threshold, color = 'r', linestyle = '-')
plt.text(4, min_threshold + 10, "Mode Separation Threshold", color = 'r',)
plt.axvline(x = scaling_factor, color = 'r', linestyle = '-')
plt.xlabel("$D_\mathrm{APDP} / D_\mathrm{time}$")
plt.ylabel("Number of Occurences")

print("gamma = ", scaling_factor)
gamma = 12.916666507720947

Finally, we can fuse the two dissimilarity matrices:

# Fuse ADP-based and time-based dissimilarity matrices
dissimilarity_matrix_fused = np.minimum(adp_dissimilarity_matrix, timestamp_dissimilarity_matrix * scaling_factor)

Admittedly, this kind of heuristic is very much dataset-dependent. In a different dataset, we might have a mix of transmitters (stationary, pedestrian, car) moving at different speeds. In that case we would need a more advanced heuristic that, for example, estimates the transmitter-specific speed based on CSI data, or we might want to use an entirely different fusing approach. In some cases, we might want to use a nonlinear scaling to match the two dissimilarity metrics, or we might want to choose the more accurate dissimilarity not just based on which entry is smaller.

Step 4: Geodesic Dissimilarity Matrix

The importance of using geodesic dissimilarities was highlighted in a paper by a group at Fraunhofer IIS. In our exemplary dissimilarity matrix of train travel times above, we were unable to tell how much time it would take to get from Stuttgart to Brussels, since there is no direct train connection between these two cities. However, we can get an estimate for the required travel time (ignoring transfer time), by summing up the time it takes to go from Stuttgart to Frankfurt and the time it takes to travel from Frankfurt to Brussels. Why don't we go from Stuttgart to Brussel's via Paris? Well, because, according to our travel times, the route via Frankfurt is shorter: To figure out the missing dissimilarity, we applied a shortest path algorithm.

For Channel Charting, we can compute a dissimilarity value between any two points in the dataset. However, many of these dissimilarities may be nonsensical, especially if the true locations of the datapoints are far away from each other (just look at the dissimilarity matrix video above...). For geodesic distances, we just find the \( K \) neareast neighbors of any datapoint (here, \( K = 20 \)), and then set the dissimlarities to all other datapoints to ∞ (what is known as finding the k-nearest neighbor graph). Then, we apply a shortest path algorithm like Dijkstra's_algorithm to find all the shortest paths in the resulting graph. The hope is that the sum of these many short paths will be more reflective of the true distance then directly computing a CSI- or side information-based dissimilarity. We collect these distances into the now so-called geodesic dissimilarity matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{G-fuse} \).
Here, we find the k-nereast neighbor graph:
n_neighbors = 20

nbrs_alg = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors = n_neighbors, metric="precomputed", n_jobs = -1)
nbrs = nbrs_alg.fit(dissimilarity_matrix_fused)
nbg = kneighbors_graph(nbrs, n_neighbors, metric = "precomputed", mode="distance")
And next, we apply Dijkstra's algorithm to find all the shortest paths. The problem of finding the shortest path between any two points in the dataset can be neatly parallelized by running Dijkstra's algorithm in parallel for every node in the graph:
dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic = np.zeros((nbg.shape[0], nbg.shape[1]), dtype = np.float32)

def shortest_path_worker(todo_queue, output_queue):
	while True:
		index = todo_queue.get()

		if index == -1:
			output_queue.put((-1, None))

		d = dijkstra(nbg, directed=False, indices=index)
		output_queue.put((index, d))

with tqdm(total = nbg.shape[0]**2) as pbar:
	todo_queue = mp.Queue()
	output_queue = mp.Queue()

	for i in range(nbg.shape[0]):
	for i in range(mp.cpu_count()):
		p = mp.Process(target = shortest_path_worker, args = (todo_queue, output_queue))

	finished_processes = 0
	while finished_processes != mp.cpu_count():
		i, d = output_queue.get()

		if i == -1:
			finished_processes = finished_processes + 1
			dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic[i,:] = d

This is one of the most complex processing steps in the Channel Charting pipeline. Regardless, on a modern machine, it should only take a few minutes at maximum. Again, we can visualize the dissimilarity matrix in a video. The resulting fused, geodesic dissimilarity matrix is clearly much better than the purely ADP-based one.

While these videos are a great visualization, there is a more scientific method to evaluate the quality of a dissimilarity metric. This paper introduced a diagram that relates the dissimilarities it to the ground truth Euclidean distances. Let's compare \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \) to \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{G-fuse} \) this way.

For this, we first need to compute the true distance matrix, i.e., the Euclidean distances between the ground truth positions:

# Compute distances between groundtruth positions
groundtruth_distance_matrix = distance_matrix(groundtruth_positions, groundtruth_positions)

Next, we sort the dissimilarities into 100 bins based on the true distances. We plot the median of these bins and color the area between the 25th and 75th percentile to get a better idea of the distribution.
def plot_dissimilarity_over_euclidean_distance(dissimilarity_matrix, distance_matrix, label = None):
	nth_reduction = 10
	dissimilarities_flat = dissimilarity_matrix[::nth_reduction, ::nth_reduction].flatten()
	distances_flat = distance_matrix[::nth_reduction, ::nth_reduction].flatten()
	max_distance = np.max(distances_flat)
	bins = np.linspace(0, max_distance, 200)
	bin_indices = np.digitize(distances_flat, bins)
	bin_medians = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
	bin_25_perc = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
	bin_75_perc = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
	for i in range(1, len(bins)):
		bin_values = dissimilarities_flat[bin_indices == i]
		bin_25_perc[i - 1], bin_medians[i - 1], bin_75_perc[i - 1] = np.percentile(bin_values, [25, 50, 75])
	plt.plot(bins[:-1], bin_medians, label = label)
	plt.fill_between(bins[:-1], bin_25_perc, bin_75_perc, alpha=0.5)

plot_dissimilarity_over_euclidean_distance(dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic, groundtruth_distance_matrix, "G-fuse")
plot_dissimilarity_over_euclidean_distance(scaling_factor * adp_dissimilarity_matrix, groundtruth_distance_matrix, "ADP")

plt.xlabel("Euclidean Distance [m]")
plt.ylabel("Scaled Dissimilarity")
What we can conclude from the diagram is that the fused geodesic dissimilarities \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{G-fuse} \) are almost proportional to the true Euclidean distance, there is a nice linear relationship. For the purely ADP-based distances \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{ADP} \), on the other hand, there is also clearly a positive correlation between Euclidean distance and dissimilarity, but it is definitely not as linear. Especially as the true Euclidean distance grows, the ADP-based distance becomes less and less indicative of the true distance (the curve becomes flat). This is exactly the issue that the computation of geodesic distances solves.

Manifold Learning: Finding the Low-Dimensional Representation

Channel Charting is essentially a special case of manifold learning, where we try to find a low-dimensional representation (physical coordinates) of the manifold of datapoints that lives in high-dimensional CSI space. There are multiple well-known manifold learning techniques, which can be categorized into two classes: Classical techniques and Deep Learning-based technqiues.

Both classes of techniques are suitable for Channel Charting, and can produce equally good channel charts. The advantage of deep learning-based Channel Charting is that it can easily process previously unseen datapoints (it's a parametric method), more on that later.

The First Channel Chart: MDS / Isomap

Time to generate the first channel chart! We will use the classical multidimensional scaling (MDS) manifold learning technique. MDS optimizes the cost function \[ \min_{\{\mathbf{z}^{(l)}\}_{l=1}^L} \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{L-1}\sum\nolimits_{j=i+1}^L \left(\mathbf D_{\mathrm{G-fuse}, i, j} - \lVert \mathbf{z}^{(i)} - \mathbf{z}^{(j)} \rVert_2 \right)^2 \] using gradient descent, where \( \mathbf z^{(l)} \in \mathbb R^2 \) are the locations of points in the channel chart (we always assume 2-dimensional channel charts). We only need to provide the dissimilarity matrix to get a chart, easy 🙂! If MDS is used in conjunction with a geodesic dissimilarity matrix, it is also known as Isomap. In our code, we will only plot every 10th datapoint in the channel chart (since MDS can be pretty slow). Also, we cap the number of gradient descent iterations at 80:

nth_reduction = 10

reduced_dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic = dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic[::nth_reduction, ::nth_reduction]
embedding_isomap = MDS(metric = True, dissimilarity = 'precomputed', max_iter = 80, normalized_stress = False)
proj_isomap = embedding_isomap.fit_transform(reduced_dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic)
plot_colorized(proj_isomap, groundtruth_positions[::nth_reduction], title = "Isomap Channel Chart")

And this is the channel chart that we get! This already very much resembles the ground truth top view map from above, except for some arbitrary rotation / flipping and scaling of course.

But what if the base station now measures an additional datapoint and we want to localize the user on the channel chart, what would we have to do? This is the main downside of classical, so called non-parametric Channel Charting methods: We need to start the whole process from the very beginning, compute the dissimilarity of the new datapoint to all existing ones, re-run the shortest path algorithm and also re-run MDS. Obviously, this is unfeasible for practical applications.

The ability to map previously unseen CSI data to the channel chart is why deep learning-based Channel Charting is favored over classical methods.

Deep Learning-Based Channel Charting: The Forward Charting Function

Regardless of the training method employed, the objective of neural network-based Channel Charting is to learn the so-called Forward Charting Function (FCF) \( \mathcal C_{\boldsymbol \theta} \). The FCF takes a feature vector \( \mathbf f \) as an input and directly outputs the position in the channel chart \( \mathbf z \). Once \( \mathcal C_{\boldsymbol \theta} \) has been found, this makes it very easy and efficient to infer additional chart positions (unlike with MDS).

The \( \boldsymbol \theta \) in the subscript indicates that this function is parametrized by a parameter vector \( \boldsymbol \theta \), which contains the weights and biases of the neural network (hence, deep learning-based Channel Charting is parametric). The purpose of neural network training is to find suitable values for \( \boldsymbol \theta \).

Feature Engineering

Naively, one might just want to provide the time-domain CSI tensors \( \mathbf {\hat H}^{(l)} \) as inputs to the neural network. That would not work for two reasons:
  1. \( \mathbf {\hat H}^{(l)} \) is complex-valued and (at least, currently) TensorFlow neural networks work with real numbers
  2. Channel coefficient phases are relative. Since transmitter and receiver oscillators are not perfectly synchronized (and in the real world they won't be, unless you have atomic clocks or highly accurate GPSDOs on both ends), the global phase rotation in \( \mathbf {\hat H}^{(l)} \) changes over time. Even if the transmitter remains at the same position and the environment is perfectly static, the receiver may measure \( \mathbf {\hat H}^{(l)} \) at one point in time, and \( \mathrm e^{j \varphi} \cdot \mathbf {\hat H}^{(l)} \) soon after. Neural networks are not well-equipped to compensate for this phase rotation.
So, instead, what we would like to provide to the neural network is information about relative channel coefficients (sample correlations between channel coefficients of different antennas), with real and imaginary part split up. In particular, we want to provide the sample correlation between the channel coefficients of any two antennas (could be in different antenna arrays), and for all time taps (but no sample correlations across time indices). In mathematical notation, we would first define a set of indices \( \mathcal I \) that we then use to index the time-domain CSI tensor \( \mathbf { \hat H}^{(l)} \): \[ \mathcal J = \left\{ 1, \ldots, B \right\}^2 \times \left\{ 1, \ldots, M \right\}^2 \times \left\{ 1, \ldots, \tau_\mathrm{max} - \tau_\mathrm{min} \right\}. \] \[ \mathbf c^{(l)} = \left( \tilde {\mathbf H}^{(l)}_{b_1 m_1 \tau} \left ( \tilde {\mathbf H}^{(l)}_{b_2 m_2 \tau} \right)^* \right)_{(b_1, b_2, m_1, m_2, \tau) \in \mathcal J} \] This results in a sample correlation vector \( \mathbf c^{(l)} \) that we need to split into real and imaginary part to be able to feed it to the neural network, producing in the feature vector \( \mathbf f^{(l)} \): \[ \mathbf{f}^{(l)} = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{Re} \left\{ \mathbf c^{(l)} \right\} & \mathrm{Im} \left\{ \mathbf c^{(l)} \right\} \end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb C^{2 B^2 M^2 (\tau_\mathrm{max} - \tau_\mathrm{min})}. \]

In practical terms, we can implement the feature engineering stage as a Keras layer. This means we can actually feed \( \mathbf {\hat H}^{(l)} \) as an input to that layer, and the layer will blow this up to \( \mathbf{f}^{(l)} \). The computation of the sample correlations can again be implemented using TensorFlow's einsum (with the advantage that feature engineering can be efficiently performed on the GPU).

class FeatureEngineeringLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
	def __init__(self):
		super(FeatureEngineeringLayer, self).__init__(dtype = tf.complex64)

	def call(self, csi):
		# Compute sample correlations for any combination of two antennas in the whole system
		# for the same datapoint and time tap.
		sample_autocorrelations = tf.einsum("damt,dbnt->dtabmn", csi, tf.math.conj(csi))
		return tf.stack([tf.math.real(sample_autocorrelations), tf.math.imag(sample_autocorrelations)], axis = -1)

The Forward Charting Function: Defining the Neural Network

Next, we can define the actual neural network that implements the FCF \( \mathcal C_{\boldsymbol \theta} \). There is really not that much to see here, it is just a dense network. We have a couple of hidden layers with ReLU activation, an output layer with linear activation and we use batch normalization.

array_count = np.shape(csi_time_domain)[1]
antenna_per_array_count = np.shape(csi_time_domain)[2]
tap_count = np.shape(csi_time_domain)[3]

cc_embmodel_input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(array_count, antenna_per_array_count, tap_count), name="input", dtype = tf.complex64)
cc_embmodel_output = FeatureEngineeringLayer()(cc_embmodel_input)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1024, activation = "relu")(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation = "relu")(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation = "relu")(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation = "relu")(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation = "relu")(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(cc_embmodel_output)
cc_embmodel_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, activation = "linear")(cc_embmodel_output)

cc_embmodel = tf.keras.Model(inputs=cc_embmodel_input, outputs=cc_embmodel_output, name = "ForwardChartingFunction")

Siamese Neural Network

Remember, we can't train the FCF in a supervised manner, since we don't have ground truth information. However, we do have a dissimilarity matrix \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{G-fuse} \) and we could try to make the FCF map datapoints to the channel chart such that the channel chart positions conform to \( \mathbf D_\mathrm{G-fuse} \). This is exactly the idea of a Siamese Neural Network: Run the FCF twice on two different datapoint feature vectors \( \mathbf f^{(i)} \) and \( \mathbf f^{(j)} \), and tune (via backpropagation) the neural network based on how well the produced channel chart positions \( \mathbf z^{(i)} \) and \( \mathbf z^{(j)} \) match the dissimilarity matrix.

This allows us to reuse the MDS cost function as a loss function for the Siamese neural network (where \( N \) is the size of the current batch): \[ \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{Siamese} = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N}\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^N \left(\mathbf D_{\mathrm{G-fuse}, i, j}-\Vert\mathbf{z}^{(i)}-\mathbf{z}^{(j)}\Vert_2\right)^2. \]

For our particular implementation, inspired by Sammon's mapping, we found that a slightly modified (normalized) loss function produces even better results: \[ \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{Siamese} = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^N\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^N \frac{1}{\mathbf D_{\mathrm{G-fuse}, i, j} + \beta} \left(\mathbf D_{\mathrm{G-fuse}, i, j}-\Vert\mathbf{z}^{(i)}-\mathbf{z}^{(j)}\Vert_2\right)^2. \] This is how the loss function is implemented:
dissimilarity_margin = np.quantile(dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic, 0.01)

def siamese_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true = y_true[:,0]
    pos_A, pos_B = (y_pred[:,:2], y_pred[:,2:])
    distances_pred = tf.math.reduce_euclidean_norm(pos_A - pos_B, axis = 1)

    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(distances_pred - y_true) / (y_true + dissimilarity_margin))
And this is how we assemble two identical FCF networks into the Siamese neural network:
input_A = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (array_count, antenna_per_array_count, tap_count,), dtype = tf.complex64)
input_B = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (array_count, antenna_per_array_count, tap_count,), dtype = tf.complex64)

embedding_A = cc_embmodel(input_A)
embedding_B = cc_embmodel(input_B)

output = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([embedding_A, embedding_B], axis=1)
model = tf.keras.models.Model([input_A, input_B], output, name = "SiameseNeuralNetwork")

Sample Selection

We generate a dataset called random_pair_dataset, which, as the name suggests, contains random pairs of CSI tensors \( \mathbf { \hat H}^{(i)} \), \( \mathbf { \hat H}^{(j)} \) from our dataset. It is a good idea to implement this sample selection in a way that allows TensorFlow to optimize for maximum performance.
csi_time_domain_tensor = tf.constant(csi_time_domain)
dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic_tensor = tf.constant(dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic)

datapoint_count = tf.shape(csi_time_domain_tensor)[0].numpy()

random_integer_pairs_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.zip(tf.data.Dataset.random(), tf.data.Dataset.random())

def fill_pairs(randA, randB):
    return (csi_time_domain_tensor[randA % datapoint_count], csi_time_domain_tensor[randB % datapoint_count]), dissimilarity_matrix_geodesic_tensor[randA % datapoint_count, randB % datapoint_count]

random_pair_dataset = random_integer_pairs_dataset.map(fill_pairs)


Finally, we can start the neural network training. With a modern GPU, you should see the first channel chart after a few seconds, and training should be finished after a couple of minutes. We adapt the learning rates and batch sizes over the training epochs (note: epochs don't really make sense in this context, so we will use the words epoch and session interchangeably), such that the FCF first learns the coarse, global structure of the channel chart and later focuses on the finer details.
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()
model.compile(loss = siamese_loss, optimizer = optimizer)

samples_per_session = 150000
learning_rates = [1e-2, 1e-2, 8e-3, 4e-3, 1e-3, 5e-4, 2e-4, 1e-4]
batch_size = [500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000]

for l in range(len(learning_rates)):
    print("\nTraining Session ", l + 1, "\nBatch Size: ", batch_size[l], "\nLearning rate: ", learning_rates[l])

    # Fit model
    model.fit(random_pair_dataset.batch(batch_size[l]).prefetch(tf.data.AUTOTUNE), steps_per_epoch = samples_per_session // batch_size[l])

    # Plot Channel Chart
    print("Running inference to plot channel chart")
    channel_chart_positions = cc_embmodel.predict(csi_time_domain)
    plot_colorized(channel_chart_positions, groundtruth_positions, title = "Siamese-Based Channel Chart - Session " + str(l + 1))

Channel charts like these ones (use the arrows to look at different training sessions) should show up very soon. The L-shaped structure of the measurement area that is also visible in the top view of "ground truth" positions is clearly very well preserved here.

Actually, the channel chart that appears after the first training epoch is already pretty acceptable, the global structure is clearly visible.

As always, there is some unknown rotation / flipping / scaling between the channel chart and the true locations.

Evaluation: Optimal Affine Transform and Mean Absolute Error

To get a nice side-by-side comparison between channel chart and ground truth positions, we want to find the optimal affine transform \[ \mathbf {\hat z}^{(l)} = \mathbf {\hat A} \mathbf z^{(l)} + \mathbf { \hat b } \] from channel chart coordinates \( \mathbf z^{(l)} \) to real-world coordinates \( \mathbf {\hat z}^{(l)} \), where \( \mathbf {\hat A} \in \mathbb R^{2 \times 2} \) and \( \mathbf { \hat b} \in \mathbb R^2 \) (2-dimensional space). Channel Charting in real-world coordinates is a topic on its own, that we don't want to get into here. Some previous research (for example, S. Taner et al, J. Pihlajasalo et al) has been published on this topic. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will "cheat" by using ground truth information to find \( \mathbf {\hat A} \) and \( \mathbf {\hat b} \). Regardless, we belive that, if BS antenna locations are known, fully self-supervised Channel Charting in real world coordinates will become possible in the near future (after all, it's just a matter figuring out optimal values for four entries in \( \mathbf {\hat A} \) and two entries in \( \mathbf {\hat b} \)).

Using the ground truth positions \( \mathbf x^{(l)} \), we can find the optimal affine transform by solving the least-squares problem \[ (\mathbf{\hat A}, \mathbf{\hat b}) = \underset{(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{b})}{\mathrm{argmin}} \sum_{l = 1}^L \lVert\mathbf{A}\mathbf{z}^{(l)} + \mathbf b - \mathbf{x}^{(l)}\rVert_2^2. \] We implement the solution to this problem with an augmented transformation matrix that handles both linear transformations and translations, and using NumPy's linalg.lstsq:
channel_chart_positions = cc_embmodel.predict(csi_time_domain)

def affine_transform_channel_chart(groundtruth_pos, channel_chart_pos):
    pad = lambda x: np.hstack([x, np.ones((x.shape[0], 1))])
    unpad = lambda x: x[:,:-1]
    A, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(pad(channel_chart_pos), pad(groundtruth_pos), rcond = None)
    transform = lambda x: unpad(np.dot(pad(x), A))
    return transform(channel_chart_pos)

channel_chart_positions_transformed = affine_transform_channel_chart(groundtruth_positions, channel_chart_positions)
plot_colorized(groundtruth_positions, groundtruth_positions, title = "Ground Truth Positions")
plot_colorized(channel_chart_positions_transformed, groundtruth_positions, title = "Channel Chart After Affine Transform")
Now, we can neatly compare ground truth positions to our channel chart:
We can even plot the error vectors:
errorvectors = groundtruth_positions - channel_chart_positions_transformed
errors = np.sqrt(errorvectors[:,0]**2 + errorvectors[:,1]**2)
mae = np.mean(errors)

nth_errorvector = 15
plot_colorized(channel_chart_positions_transformed, groundtruth_positions, title = "Error Vectors, MAE = " + str(mae) + "m", show = False, alpha = 0.3)
plt.quiver(channel_chart_positions_transformed[::nth_errorvector, 0], channel_chart_positions_transformed[::nth_errorvector, 1], errorvectors[::nth_errorvector, 0], errorvectors[::nth_errorvector, 1], color = "black", angles = "xy", scale_units = "xy", scale = 1)
As you can see, the error vectors are not completely random, but we can spot some patterns. Some of these patterns can be explained by the fact that the loss function compares geodesic distances (from the dissimilarity matrix) to Euclidean distances (in the channel chart), which is a fundamental issue with our loss function. So there is definitely some room for furthere improvement here 😉. The code above also computes and displays the mean absolute error (MAE), given by: \[ \mathrm{MAE} = \frac{1}{L}\sum_{l=1}^L\lVert \mathbf{\hat{A}}\mathbf{z}^{(l)} + \mathbf{\hat b} - \mathbf{x}^{(l)}\rVert_2. \]
Finally, let's have a look at the distribution of the absolute error by plotting the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the distance error:
count, bins_count = np.histogram(errors, bins=200)
pdf = count / sum(count)
cdf = np.cumsum(pdf)

bins_count[0] = 0
cdf = np.append([0], cdf)

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
plt.plot(bins_count, cdf)
plt.xlim((0, 2))
plt.xlabel("Absolute Localization Error [m]")
Around 90% of the absolute localization errors are below \( 0.75\,\mathrm{m} \) 🙂!

Evaluation: Continuity, Trustworthiness, Kruskal's Stress

Channel Channel literature (and, more general, manifold learning literature) likes to evaluate channel charts not based on some absolute error values, but using some performance metrics specifically designed for dimensionality reduction. These metrics are invariant to the unpredictable rotations and scalings that are inherent to unsupervised dimensionality reduction. The most commonly used metrics are:
  • Continuity (CT) and Trustworthiness (TW), both normalized to range \( [0, 1] \), which are two measures for the preservation of local neighborhoods. A high CT indicates that many neighborhood relationships in physical space are preserved in the channel chart. A high TW value, on the other hand, indicates that the channel chart does not contain many additional false neighborhood relationships, i.e., ones which are not present in the physical space. Trustworthiness (and, by swapping parameters, continuity) is already implemented in the scikit-learn package.
  • Kruskal's Stress (KS) is a measure for the preservation of the global channel chart structure. It is also bounded to the range \( [0,1] \), but this time with 0 indicating the best and 1 indicating the worst possible performance.
CT and KS are relatively straightforward to implement:
# Continuity is identical to trustworthiness, except that original space and embedding space are swapped
def continuity(*args, **kwargs):
	args = list(args)
	args[0], args[1] = args[1], args[0]
	return trustworthiness(*args, **kwargs)

def kruskal_stress(X, X_embedded):
	dist_X = distance_matrix(X, X)
	dist_X_embedded = distance_matrix(X_embedded, X_embedded)
	beta = np.divide(np.sum(dist_X * dist_X_embedded), np.sum(dist_X_embedded * dist_X_embedded))

	return np.sqrt(np.divide(np.sum(np.square((dist_X - beta * dist_X_embedded))), np.sum(dist_X * dist_X)))
For computing CT and TW, we need to define a neighborhood size, i.e., how many neighboring datapoints to consider when evaluating the preservation of local neighborhoods. As is typical in Channel Charting literature, we choose a neighborhood size that is \( 5 \% \) of the total number of datapoints. Furthermore, evaluating CT / TW / KS on all datapoints may take a very long time (and consume a lot of RAM). We therefore perform the evaluations on a random subset of the whole dataset:
# Evaluate CT / TW / KS on a subset of the whole dataset
subset_indices = random.sample(range(len(groundtruth_positions)), len(groundtruth_positions) // 5)
groundtruth_positions_subset = groundtruth_positions[subset_indices]
channel_chart_positions_subset = channel_chart_positions[subset_indices]

ct = continuity(groundtruth_positions_subset, channel_chart_positions_subset, n_neighbors = int(0.05 * len(groundtruth_positions_subset)))
tw = trustworthiness(groundtruth_positions_subset, channel_chart_positions_subset, n_neighbors = int(0.05 * len(groundtruth_positions_subset)))
ks = kruskal_stress(groundtruth_positions_subset, channel_chart_positions_subset)

print("CT: {} \nTW: {} \nKS: {}".format(*np.around((ct, tw, ks), 5)))
The performance metrics will be slightly different every time you run the training (and even every time you run the evaluation, due to the random subset sampling), but they should be similar to these:
Continuity (CT) 0.9960
Trustworthiness (TW) 0.9962
Kruskal's Stress (KS) 0.0845

Augmented Channel Charting: Absolute Localization

AoA / ToA Localization
Channel Charting

Channel Charting is not just a wireless source localization technique, but wireless source localization is one of its applications. When we use Channel Charting for localization, we want to obtain transmitter position coordingates in some absolute coordinate frame. The good news is: If we know the location of the receiver antenna arrays, we can achieve this by combining Channel Charting with classical wireless source localization techniques. Classical wireless localization techniques typically rely on angle of arrival (AoA) estimation and subsequent triangulation, or time of arrival (ToA) estimation and subsequent multilateration, or a combination of both. In a framework that we call augmented Channel Charting, we feed these classical position estimates to the neural network during training.

The result: A forward charting function that can localize UEs in the absolute coordinate frame, and, by exploiting information contained in the multipath characteristics of the channel, is more accurate than classical approaches.

Localization performance of classical techniques vs. Channel Charting
Augmented Channel Charting, i.e., the combination of Channel Charting and classical techniques, is outside the scope of this tutorial. You may want to check out our paper on the topic, some presentation slides or the GitHub repository for more information:

A Note on Privacy

Last, but not least: If you read the whole tutorial all the way to the end, then you have certainly realized that Channel Charting technology means that the massive MIMO base station will know the location of the users in a much more fine-grained manner than is possible with today's base stations and their sector antennas. In my experience, Channel Charting researchers are very aware of the potential privacy implications. There are some very obvious benefits attached to Channel Charting (outlined in the introduction), but there is also potential for abuse. With all the skepticism about 5G and mobile networks in general, we believe it is important to transparently publish and discuss the advantages and risks of this technology.

Licensing and Authors

All our datasets are licensed under the CC-BY license, i.e., you are free to use them for whatever you like as long as you reference us in your publications. All code in this tutorial is CC0-licensed. This tutorial was written by Florian Euchner, with contributions by Chae Eun Lee and Phillip Stephan.